Meihua Lake Leisure Farm
Meihua Lake Leisure Farm
The farm covers an area of 5 hectares near Meihua Lake Scenic Area. The farm features nature, environmental protection, and health as the theme, providing accommodation, dining, camping, and other activities.


The farm covers an area of 5 hectares near Meihua Lake Scenic Area. The farm features nature, environmental protection, and health as the theme, providing accommodation, dining, camping, and other activities. You will hear insects and birds, and see flowers and trees when strolling down the farm. The farm facilities include holiday cottage, non-toxic orchards, paintball field and much more. It is a great place for family vacation.
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Nan-Fang-Ao Grilled Fish with Curry Beef

Using the fresh Mackerel from Yilan grilled with special ingrediants, match with self-planted organic vegetable and curry beef, taste good and healthy.


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No.62, Huanhu Rd., Dongshan Township, Yilan County


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